How to Reach the Pinnacle of Payment Process Efficiency

July 14, 2021

Event Type



Business Development, Compliance, E-Commerce, Finance, Financial Services, Information Services, Information Technology, Payments, Software


Industry Insights – Virtual Q&A Event: How to Reach the Pinnacle of Payment Process Efficiency

Network with the top investors and experts in your industry

“How to Reach the Pinnacle of Payment Process Efficiency” Industry Insights – Virtual Q&A Event Are you looking to improve the payment process within your organisation? Hosted by Sue Chapple from the Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM), join Key IVR and Bottomline Technologies on the 14th July and gain valuable market insight into how businesses are getting the most from limited staff and resources. Whether it’s improving your day-to-day business operations or making it easier for your customers to make payments, you’ll discover the best practice strategies being adopted by other organisations. You’ll have the opportunity to ask specific questions to our panelists, who have years of real-world experience within the credit and payments industry Discussion Points A Better Customer Payment Experience How have organisations adapted their payment journey to suit customers’ needs? Or empowered them to self-serve and removed the need to speak to staff? Enhancing Your Direct Debit Payments Engine Discover the benefits of using Direct Debit as a payment channel, and how automation can help you manage your customers. Defeat the Mundane Manual processes, outbound communications and repetitive tasks can run the risk of slowing operations and cripple staff morale. Hear some examples of how some organisations have supercharged their efficiency and saved valuable staff time and resource? There will be polls during the event, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the panel. We look forward to seeing you there.

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