Reuters MOMENTUM 2021

October 27, 2021

Event Type



Finance, Hospitality, Information Services, Information Technology, Retail, Telecommunications


Improving lives with technology.

Network with the top investors and experts in your industry

Reuters MOMENTUM unites the global technology community to build a better society and advanced economy. We have a pressing opportunity to reimagine what’s possible through the lens of technology and collectively build a healthier, happier, more equitable, and sustainable future for all. As we get ready for the ‘next normal’ after a period of unrivalled disruption, we must consolidate on recent advances, learn from mistakes made over the past year and look ahead. The challenges we face are vast and complex but are equally met by our collective ambition and the opportunity to transform people’s daily lives for the better. More now than ever, carefully considered human decisions and collaboration are essential in enabling technology to realise its full potential. Reuters MOMENTUM is the ultimate platform for leading tech innovators and pioneers to showcase insights and perspectives on how technology can positively shape our future.

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