Smart, Fast, Effective: Cybersecurity in the Age of Analytics & Automation

July 21, 2021

Event Type

Seminar, Virtual


Financial Services, Information Technology


Cybersecurity professionals to review the threat universe facing financial cybersecurity firms& operational security best practices

Network with the top investors and experts in your industry

Overview Cybersecurity is a perennial challenge for financial services firms. Even the most powerful and sophisticated cybersecurity teams are confronted by equally powerful and sophisticated hackers (many funded by nation states). And while standards and frameworks such as NIST’s cybersecurity framework and the MITRE ATT&CK framework can provide helpful guidelines, many times financial services firms find themselves operating far ahead of these standards. The best defense? Staying informed and ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, threats, and best practices. Who Should Attend? Cybersecurity/risk professionals & business professionals concerned with cybersecurity

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